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The Problem with Nigeria is the problem with us

The reactions I received from my last opinion article titled: ‘Lion that is now a Chicken’ was very encouraging and I decided to write another one. This time, I’m looking at the problem with Nigeria which I have identified as the problem with us! Any society that is made up of majority of people who don’t know what it takes to change the society is bound to fail. Nigeria is a great country with many youths who can make impact here in Nigeria and also all over the world but we are BLESSED WITH WORLD MOST TERRIBLE LEADERS! I’m sorry to call them that but I’m saying the truth.

The country’s leaders to me are just joking, but wait a minute, who are even the leaders? It is you and I off course. Do you know why? It’s because we elected the so called leaders. Since everybody cannot go to ASO ROCK, we had to elect those who will go there and represent us and manage the resources God gave us. If you argue with me that we never elected them on the first place then, we are also joking because we were meant to do so since the resources belong to all of us. Forget ethnic intolerance, religious intolerance, multiple tribal groups, they are not our main problem. They are human issues that will forever remain with humans till the end of time. Now, let me explain to us our problems and why these problems have turned out to be the major problem with Nigeria, are you with me then, take a little breathe in and out:
We Nigerians tolerate too much
    I can remember once upon a time when a white man peacefully insulted us by saying that Nigerians are the only people in the world whom if you push to the wall, instead of fighting back, they will prefer to break the wall and continue moving backwards. Do you get me now? Go to other countries of the world, the people are not as tolerating as we are in Nigeria. Take a look around you my fellow Nigerians; we can all see things we don’t like, what have we done about them? Nothing if you ask me. An example of what the white man said about the people of Nigeria is even happening to us as you read this article! Are you socked? Please don’t be. Now, take a look at this scenario: the toilet and bathrooms in our own school is under renovation for the past two years now and is yet to be completed! Ask me to point to anywhere in the world where the renovation of an ordinary toilet and bathroom takes more than a century to complete and I will proudly point at Nigeria! We were pushed to the WALL at the point where the toilet and bathroom we use in this school remained the WORLD WORST HUMANITARIAN SUBJECTION TO POOR TOILET AND BATHROOM FACILITIES but we broke the WALL by deciding to accept the condition and chose to defecate in the BUSH and have our bath very close to the BUSH!!!!!!!!!!! What a shame! We can tolerate too much. We are exhibiting the life style of typical Nigerians whom prefers to shut up than to talk. If we want to stop corruption in Nigeria as a whole, we have to start within the place we find ourselves. Our leaders have taken us to be fools-they subject us to terrible conditions and then, send their children to SOUTH AFRICA, USA, CHINA BRITAIN, etc to live and study. It is so funny that after we the student of this great school finishes using the BUSH for defecating and taking our bath, we come out, iron our clothes, dress up, take shuttle and happily go for our lectures. No wonder some foreigners claimed that Nigerians are the happiest people on planet earth. The next thing we then do is gather at a corner and spend our energy arguing about CHELSEA, ARSENAL, BARCELONA, MANCHESTER UNITED etc forgetting that we have big problem within us. Let me tell us the truth, God will VEX with us if we end up like this till the end of time.
    Let us wake up and decide our own destiny by ourselves. The people in Egypt, Tunisia etc decided their own destiny by themselves; we too can do so but in a very reasonable manner. Those people had far better standard of living than us over here but they chose to react by making their voices heard but in our case, we chose to tolerate. The God we serve already know our problems but yet He still advised us to pray without season. Our leaders know the right things to do for but they are waiting for us to ask them. This is the simple logic behind the universe and please, don’t get it twisted. When President Barack Obama visited Ghana immediately he became the President of the United State, he said something that should be ringing down inside our hearts. He said that Africa has one of the world highest populations of able bodied youths thus, has the greater opportunity to succeed. That was what he said and believe me, he was right. It’s a pity that the youths in Nigeria are now silent simply because they can tolerate too much!!!!  And it is also a pity that in the present 21 century, Nigeria still remained the most annoying place to be, the most dirty, and most corrupt country in the world. My fellow Nigerians, we have to put aside the problem of ethnic differences because it is man’s natural problem but the problem of too much tolerance is never man’s natural problem and we have to put a STOP to it now and right away. Look bro and sister our God gave us mouth to speak and if we don’t speak for ourselves; nobody would do it for us. I have come to the end of the first series of the problem with Nigeria is the problem with us.
                                                                                                    The Analyst


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Author: Kingsley the Analist
Kingsley is a blogger. He is the owner of True Love site and the owner of Kingsley.com. Kingsley love the internet and he is a briliant researcher with interest in Mass Communication and the new global world. He is an internet guru Read More →

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