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Unlucky You

1. Unlucky you!!
You were told to give up your virginity to the president’s son and receive 200 million pounds but you refused!! Two days later, two rapist raped you
Unlucky you!!!!!

2. Unlucky You
You were told that the world was going to end the next day so, live your life! You decided to sell off all your
properties and gave millions to beggars and spent the rest on living life and 30 days later, the world is still cruising!!!!
Unlucky You!!!

3. Unlucky You
You were told that you were going to write the exam in 3 days time and you read like there was no tomorrow and when it was 3 days time, the exam didn’t hold. You were once again told that the exam was going to hold in two days time and you read day and night only for the exam to be postponed to further notice!!! You were again told that the exam was going to hold some days later and you refused to read only for the exam to hold and you were eating your pen in the exam hall!!!
Unlucky you!

4. Unlucky you
You went to play Who Want to be a Millionaire and you answered all the questions correctly remaining just one and you already won 10 million naira and if you answer the last question correctly, you will go home with 50 million naira but if you answer it wrongly, you will lose all the money you already won and you had the opportunity to work away with your 10 million naira but you remembered that you were owning your brother 9 million naira so, you decided to take the risk to answer the last question. You answered the last question wrongly so, you lost all the money!!!!! You arrived home only to find out that your brother was dead and left a note on your table and the note read thus
Dear brother
I knew I was going to die today so, I have decided to forget the money I borrowed you. This is the spirit of one love….see you soon brother!!!
After reading it, you fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unlucky you!!!


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Author: Kingsley the Analist
Kingsley is a blogger. He is the owner of True Love site and the owner of Kingsley.com. Kingsley love the internet and he is a briliant researcher with interest in Mass Communication and the new global world. He is an internet guru Read More →

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